About bitcoin addresses ambiguity

A bitcoin address is the hash of an elliptic curve point representation. Bitcoin addresses are ambiguous in several ways.

  • First: This point can be represented in two ways: ‘full’, or ‘compressed’.
  • Then, there are some points which can be represented in two ways, this is because the group order is not exactly 2^256, but a little bit less.
  • Another issue: during signature checking, the sign of an equation is ignore, leading to more ambiguity.

A bitcoin transaction is considered valid when the output script confirms the input script:

--- input script
--- output script

the input will be considered valid when:

HASH160(<pubkey>) == <addrhash>


CHECKSIG(<signature>, <pubkey>) == true

signature: (r,s) pubkey: Y = (x,y) message: m verify that:

xcoord[ G*(m/s) + Y*(r/s) ] ==  r

since only the xcoord is verified, the equation will also hold for the negative:

xcoord[ G*(-m/s) + Y*(-r/s) ] ==  r
  • an addresshash can be either the hash of the full public key, or of the compressed public key.
  • for some public keys ( with a small ‘x’ value ) there can be two representations: (x, y) and (x+grouporder,y) the same for ‘y’.