Exploring the bitcoin blockchain

Most bitcoin transactions are ‘standard’, some are not. This is a summary of what is not standard in the bitcoin blockchain. Some interesting finds: the wikileaks cable’s are in the blockchain, and so are a bunch of links to childporn sites.

How does it work

The bitcoin blockchain basically is a long list of blocks containing transactions. Each transaction has a number of outputs and a number of inputs.

An output has:

  • a btc value
  • a script ( for historic reasons called ‘the pubkey’ )

An input has:

  • the hash of a valid transaction + an index pointing to an output in that transaction
  • a script ( for historic reasons called ‘the signature’ )

For a input to be valid, the input script followed by the output script must evaluate to True.

Normal input script:

  • push signature
  • push pubkey Normal output script:
  • DUP
  • HASH160
  • push keyhash

Note that the input can push many more values, and still be a valid input. And Note that the output does not need to be actually redeemable.

… RETURN … multisig


Some people have uploaded texts, binaries, webpages, and even a backup of the wikileaks cables etc. Here is an overview:

51 <data>..<data> <51..53> ae   type blobs

| ccb05f1c37e772992a5783f75e0a8a9847122476cddc5a7d79ef197198cd536c | 2013-04-06 17:17:37 | filedownloader | bd88c575e92e0cf33a0354fd617bd49a191bab06ad487b52b373d6c99d4f6508 | 2013-04-06 18:40:42 | ami-firmware-source-code-private-key | b7c14a370d1be14302b4d5b164770df393efb6eb443eae5e2ca8489bb6f36ab9 | 2013-04-06 19:00:52 | Illegal_prime | 176e935bba098ec8703721a4dcb5c7abfebe71c1ed431d958aab7e0023a2724b | 2013-04-06 17:17:37 | fileuploader | 6a98fb332839f07d3cd37c0619cf49de861617a152d6a362a4900edc77d21d69 | 2013-04-08 00:31:17 | wikileaks cablegate backup | 51f5be6f1613182357f2bebad67a7b844f254a4eeec5165c523a078f8ecde7dd | 2013-04-08 05:32:46 | jailbait from hiddenwiki | 0db4b168d2591e64966539f52b7b4c56777149a604c403df9565be598bf546d2 | 2013-04-10 09:40:47 | linpyro-0.1.tar.gz | b047b34d09c9cdbbe733781d4a7534ede4e60631a3a95c4f3c1d80c07b644433 | 2013-04-10 09:31:29 | linpyro-0.1.tar.gz | 13e786414e8fa7d47d3bde4de8eb073d58aa958c4aa1bcc3266b655c5f8ee454 | 2013-04-06 20:28:10 | bitcoin-paper.pdf | 384fd9b0cd7167df5d6fd59fac65894b5d27280c76b45f209d09e949a288004a | 2013-04-08 06:04:16 | Hard Candy from hiddenwiki

a9 <20bytes> 87  type blobs

| 02bcdcc6b134f624808340bfed773ab76c48c927ff3d0beca6779bf9d87343a1 | 2013-04-10 09:37:49 | BASIC program compiled | 87081fc3f634ce0579b01226a76e60b504178891816de6b726d6f0163177f6aa | 2013-04-10 09:37:49 | lucifer-1.0.tar.gz | e76f5765cdbe15464c9f6e41da8fa59ee2b5fb56debf1c04d4fabf60c71c1c3a | 2013-04-10 09:37:49 | BASIC life simulation program

| e45db36e905a3839a3ab07f6683a1d16983603b29fe19895b4e84b4cdf52bb6a | 2012-09-24 04:22:22 | verse of macbeth | b66b9022e82772b189a81a20636b1e595a88fa2787bf95a93605408ab41bb26c | 2012-09-24 04:33:01 | george watsky poem | 808a565bba14acb3cf67413eec3cd0fac3c8e06e890b7f9fddc91a71aaa8374a | 2012-09-24 05:05:00 | disturbed: ‘indestructible’ | 79e71ade5533e2f20061b3ad05d4a1c7a81a43272e1a61b928625f26c57bd007 | 2012-09-24 04:04:23 | ‘all your blockchain are belong to us’ | 088b4d2575cfbf46ef0f5dd85831d992a5de862af8369a9402263fa127d8c9c4 | 2012-09-24 04:22:22 | verse of macbeth | 4298d0ecce9fda3c00c6c134c74b20dd077137823301d5307cf957c47294f88f | 2013-06-04 06:45:48 | tetazoo puntlist (some mit thing) | 693afeeaf314c2f3b45b049c643cf4c4ab3942692501b332ff6cce1020bdac84 | 2013-03-17 18:33:14 | gif thumbnail of naked woman

| 679df52952e92985f8e1d378baf216d1b63aa787011583492699678a99837723 | 2013-04-28 20:18:07 | illegal ‘ELF-executable’ prime (decodes css data) | 8e00fd85b96618944c054eb71f14002d88a4aa0c4414fe3086966486f12ea85d | 2013-10-10 09:50:38 | Hello, escrow!——————————————— | f6deae403532754c67655805bcb81efe362f10b914332f86ffa12f8245d292ec | 2011-08-28 18:13:13 | FFS Luke-Jr leave the blockchain alone! Oh, and god isn’t real | 1e1267e1d723338851323f0ecf98e65c7cfbc991862faaa509acad92097e91db | 2013-10-10 09:50:38 | 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

the cablebackup data files -> .7z file containing 1417 files

| d52a1bbc0e82f8d59ab3674e45870ab007b46fe3988c12f4013a06717b3b595c | 2013-04-06 20:38:39 | 0000 -> .7z file | 44cdb40af56c8ad33956d242dd239102e7ed1fe9c393c509c6034ccfa9cf6326 | 2013-04-07 15:23:15 | 0081


several tools make use of the ‘pay2hash’ feature.